Ledinukai "Lūpytės ir širdelės"
  • Ledinukai "Lūpytės ir širdelės"
  • Ledinukai "Lūpytės ir širdelės"

Lollipops "Cheeks and Hearts"

VAT included

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Isomalt is a specially developed new generation low-calorie carbohydrate. Used in the food industry as a sugar substitute. Features:
  • Low glycemic index (recommended for people with diabetes).
  • Isomalt is not food for bacteria that form bad acid in the mouth, so using isomalt, unlike sugar, does not damage the teeth.
  • Absorbs gradually, promotes the emergence of forces, works for a long time, guaranteeing a gradual, even distribution of energy.
  • Isomalt has the properties of plant-based fiber that acts as a ballast, providing a feeling of satiety. Stimulates active intestinal activity.
  • It is advisable to consume up to 50 gr.